Sunday, April 25, 2010

More wingnut disconnected thought

Why is it that people who have a problem with "Government" and their "freedom" seem to want to do things the rest of us don't, like own machine guns or marry 14 year old girls. Now it seems Rush Limbaugh wants to memorialize David Koresh. Here's a guy who wanted his on private army and to have sex with children under the guise of his religion. When the "Government" finally decided to enforce the law he chose to incinerate himself and all his followers Ala Jim Jones. Next, some other "freedom" nut job decides to protest the "government" by killing 168 innocent people in Oklahoma City. Limbaugh thinks the Oklahoma terrorist bombing was the "Governments" fault for enforcing the law in Waco. Here's an idea, if you don't like this "Government" use your "freedom" to leave and live somewhere else. Leave the rest of us to enjoy our laws, our government, our civil society and our America.
P.S tea party, "I got my country back"

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