Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dear Wyoming Senators

Dear Senator Enzi and Senator Barrasso,
I hope you will join with other lawmakers calling for the filing of criminal charges against Goldman Sachs and any other companies and executives who are suspected of fraud or other criminal activities in connection with the recent collapse of the financial markets. Civil penalties and fines are not enough for those who knowingly and carelessly brought about the collapse of our economy. I hope also that you will support the Financial Reform Legislation that has passed the House. It is inconceivable that a nation such as ours would allow a handful of greedy speculators to put our national security at risk. We invaded two countries in response to an attack on our country which though it took a grisly human toll did not do as much economic damage as these greedy speculators have done to their own country. This same danger to our National Security exists with the speculators in the oil futures markets as well.
We cannot continue to allow a small group of greedy speculators endanger this nation, our economy and our future.
I pray you will act accordingly in the best interest of our Nation.

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